Wednesday, October 23, 2013


They LOVED it and the direction that we were headed.

The only changes they wanted to see was more subjects being handled aside from science (as to be expected as we were primarily focusing on science with our original take on the story and character arc.) They wanted to also make sure that it didn't feel like a planetarium, slightly dial down from the sciences a bit, but also make the environments believable.

They liked the look at first and the contrast of the room looking barren and like a "penitentiary" to then transform the space into a welcoming and engaging environment. I would say just try to make it feel more like a classroom slightly, but keep that sterile feel.

So, in short, more exploration on more subjects, possibly try to go toward more international topics in terms of historical figures for history (like Julies Cesar, Cleopatra, Einstein, Da Vinci, etc.)

Story wise, they just wanted it to be succinct and clear, but I think it'll be more apparent by Friday on what our approach story wise is. But they did like the contrasting interaction with the parent character and their child.

They also said to check out this short story: The Veldt which Bunny says has some really good holograph tech in it.

But yes! We are headed in the right direction. Just keep moving forward toward Friday, we can rock it!


  1. Nice work, y'all! wanna meet again this Thursday (tomorrow) to finalize our pitch?

  2. Awesome! I will totes be back tomorrow if ya'll want to meet up.

  3. Cool. Thanks for pitching for us!
