Thursday, October 31, 2013

Proposed Pitch Intro

Hi All, I've typed up a rough pitch outline for the presenter. Please feel free to correct my grammar/sentence structure or make changes to the pitch.

Pattie, if you would be comfortable pitching the intro before Meagan's boards that would be great. You have a strong voice that is beautiful for pitching.


Hello my name is …(presenters) and we represent Group 2.

Our story is about a young boy who is, at first, reluctant and apprehensive to learn at a new school, but is soon inspired in a collaborative, futuristic learning environment.  Our group explored the idea of integrating holograms as tactile problem solving to organize inspiring lessons based on 2nd grade math, spelling, and science. 

We have some new storyboards based on some changes you suggested last week. We have introduced a teacher who utilizes these holograms to direct her lesson plans and inspire students. The holographic lesson plans are meant to not only support the teacher, but also inspire a collaborative work environment between the students. 

We have some updated story boards to show, as well as some vis dev for the teacher, main character, supporting 2nd grade characters, and updated classroom designs.  

Examples/ Inspiration

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Teacher Designs

These are some initial sketches I came up with, exploring different appearances.
mainly inspired by Julie Andrew's character, Maria, in Sound of Music and Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus series

These are the final looks I liked for the teacher. Any feedback would be great :)

Hologram Tests

I'm not quite sure what kind of hologram style we are going for, but I think the best bet is to stay away from the gimmicky blue glowing holographic look and try to go for a more real looking projection. So that means more life-like colors with a slight incandescent glow with a toned down opacity.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thursday Pitch Session?

Hey Guys,

Denise was asking if we were free for a pitch on Thursday with the other groups. I can be available all of Thursday, but I was wondering if anyone else is free/would like to join.

I also mentioned we were meeting up on Wednesday night and extended the invitation to the other groups.

Monday, October 28, 2013

2nd grade curriculum

Examples/ Inspiration

I remember seeing this some time before. It's similar to what we're doing; every surface is basically another computer. I think what we need is just to push the "holographic room" aspect where things can move freely in the projected space. Pretty much like the holodeck from Star Trek, but with popups that can expand information depending on what you focus on or even transition to other subjects.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Some Notes from Friday

Group 4... (or I guess Group 2?)  Notes

•  Stay away from copyrighted material & monuments for legal purposes. Try to incorporate general environments/subjects similar to the jungle/forest

•  Consider showing cross dissolves between different subjects, or pan to different classrooms to show various subjects.

•  Concentrate on a grade level (K-3)

•  Try go use the technology to make the classroom more interactive & collaborative. The adobe team suggested exploring the idea of the students acting as an army, or acting in a play.

• Suggested theme: Partnering a great teacher with great technology to inspire students. Show the benefit of a inspiring, fantastic teacher. (The different a great teacher can make in a student's life.)

*Faculty Note: Make it clear what you want to say in the end.

For Reference: National History Museum example & the technologies that already exist. How can we expand them in an imaginative way?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Matt - Holographic Classroom

What I have so far; trying to work on other subjects like math (and maybe English).
Math is a bit hard to portray, clearest solution would be to go towards geometry.


wip of the classroom: considering the comment of making it look more of a classroom, but still having a "sterile feel"... thinking of adding more classroom "junk" like cubbies, bookcase, shelves? etc. (maybe a door too. ha!) anyhow, I'll explain more at our meet :)

Some of the reference/inspiration I was looking at...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


They LOVED it and the direction that we were headed.

The only changes they wanted to see was more subjects being handled aside from science (as to be expected as we were primarily focusing on science with our original take on the story and character arc.) They wanted to also make sure that it didn't feel like a planetarium, slightly dial down from the sciences a bit, but also make the environments believable.

They liked the look at first and the contrast of the room looking barren and like a "penitentiary" to then transform the space into a welcoming and engaging environment. I would say just try to make it feel more like a classroom slightly, but keep that sterile feel.

So, in short, more exploration on more subjects, possibly try to go toward more international topics in terms of historical figures for history (like Julies Cesar, Cleopatra, Einstein, Da Vinci, etc.)

Story wise, they just wanted it to be succinct and clear, but I think it'll be more apparent by Friday on what our approach story wise is. But they did like the contrasting interaction with the parent character and their child.

They also said to check out this short story: The Veldt which Bunny says has some really good holograph tech in it.

But yes! We are headed in the right direction. Just keep moving forward toward Friday, we can rock it!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

more ideas and reference

Wu's and Ashley's reference reminded me of this scene in Star Wars in Episode II :)

Here's some WIP ideas I'm working on and thinking about how far to push the holographic. I'll explain a little more at the meeting :)

K. Here's another rough Iso.. this one is more for the college setting, where students are able to sit in these rotating rows, and images would project from that center hub. (how futuristic are we thinking about, anyways?)

Treasure Planet + Thumbs

Wu's previous post reminds me of Treasure Planet (:

Also, I have some thumbnails. I'll try to post more depending on how long it takes me to drive home. I'm really sorry for not being able to be there for the meeting. This trip home was unexpected.

Interactive Hologram Education Idea

An idea on how the 3D hologram classroom might function.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hey guys, I just had another thought of stuff to probably add to the folders when uploading our work tonight. Aside from the normal one-sheet and the sketches that we presented, we should also probably have something close to a style guide plus reference. If need be... I can post stills from The Scarecrow if need be. 

Anyway, keep going strong guys!

Designs so far

Posting what I have so far for ease of viewing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Few Thumbnails

Hey guys, just thinking of a few character ideas. Let me know what ya'll think (:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

More reference and inspiration

I remember seeing these popup books before, but forgot what the series of popup books was called. The series I looked up was Encyclopedia Prehistorica. Just a few images showing what is actually possible with popup books nowadays.

I also had the idea that the robot (or main character's) popup book could be about "ancient geography", featuring current-day cities and natural landscapes for its content. Just a little thing that would help give a little background in the story.